A friend of Abiding Life Ministries created some study notes, including Scripture references that complement the DVD series The Abiding Life Basic Seminar. These notes are available for free download in pdf format. Please refer to the separate product Abiding Life Basic Seminar - Study Notes.
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Sidetracked In The Wilderness Pdf Download
Theroad through thewildernessbythe wayof theRed Seaconnects Kadesh-barnea with the Gulf of Elath, that is, the easternpart of the RedSea(1:1-2, 40). But having now arrived south of Seir-Edom, not far fromElathand fromEzion-geber(2:8), the people of Israel circledMount Seir (amountain in Edom) formany days.Eventually, the LORD commanded the Israelites to leave MountSeirand to turnnorthbecause they had circledthis mountain long enough.
Thepurpose of this encouragement was to remind Israel that theall-powerful God who delivered them from slavery in Egypt and caredfor them throughout their wilderness wandering remains unchanged. TheLORD was thus ready to act in the lives of His people again andagain, if they would remain loyal to His covenant.
Elath and Ezion-geber were two cities located at the northern end of the Guld of Elath. Elath could have been the Jordanian city of Aqabah. The modern Israeli town of Elath was established in 1947. Ezion-geber was probably located about eight miles south of modern Elath. The wilderness of Moab was located east of Moab (Numbers 21:11). The Israelites advanced toward the Promised Land step-by-step as they received encouragement from God through their mediator Moses.